H7N9 virus, Is It Dangerous?
Lately we are shocked by
the discovery of a new virus. First
we are familiar with the H5N1 virus, the bird flu, swine flu, and so on. And
the virus is very dangerous until the victim died. Anticipation
is always done by the government and is still done developing ways to eliminate
them. The
new virus is the H7N9 strain of bird flu. I
wonder what happened, it would be frightening for people.
This new H7N9 virus is an avian (bird) influenza (flu) viruses. Human infections with avian influenza (AI, or "bird flu") are rare but have Occurred in the past, most commonly after exposure to infected poultry. This is the first time that this subtype of bird flu (H7N9) has been found in people. This virus is very different from other H7N9 viruses previously found in birds.
This new H7N9 virus is an avian (bird) influenza (flu) viruses. Human infections with avian influenza (AI, or "bird flu") are rare but have Occurred in the past, most commonly after exposure to infected poultry. This is the first time that this subtype of bird flu (H7N9) has been found in people. This virus is very different from other H7N9 viruses previously found in birds.
Then, is there a cure or something that can handle the virus? Of course just in case we need to know what drugs can be used so that later we will not be infected by the virus.
According to the news I read from http://www.beritasatu.com, Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health (P2PL) Ministry of Health, Tjandra Yoga Aditama, said that the new H7N9 strain of bird flu that is being attacked several provinces in China can be dealt with oseltamivir.
Oseltamivir is an antiviral drug that slows the spread of bird flu. In Indonesia, Oseltamivir sold under the trade name Tamiflu. He said of the laboratory tests showed oseltamivir and zanamivir that we use, H7N9 viruses do not show resistance to these drugs, means it can be used. But for effectiveness, in general can not be said now because fewer new patients and this just happened a few months.
The virus attacks the first time in several provinces in China. Up to swallow some of the victims died. From the information he (Tjandra), reports the World Health Organization (WHO) found the H7N9 virus was found in pigeons in Shanghai, so the Chinese government shut down poultry markets in the city, but have not found the real how it is transmitted to humans.
From the little information above, hopefully we can give some idea about a new virus that attacks humans. Let's keep health!
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