Contact Me

Good Morning! Good Afternoon! And Good Night!!
Thank you in advance for the visitors of my blog. I created a blog that is certainly still a lot of shortcomings and mistakes. Earlier also I'm sorry.
I would hope my blog can help you in the search for info-related and there is in my blog.
You may ask, who's created this blog. Well, I'll introduce myself:

My name is Tri
Mei Lestari, this time on 15 April 2013 I was in college six semesters at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I love writing, especially writing things that are personal. Blogs are one of my means to share the results of my thinking to the public. Not only is this blog that I made, there are still many more. Here's a list of blogs that I created:

It seems there, but I forgot ....

It was a result of my writing, can be seen. I am still not proficient in writing, but I have a strong desire to write. Although, still not consistent.
Then, for my bio. I was born on May 13, 1992, in the village of Banjarnegara. My mother and my father
, named Ngaisah and named Latif Supardi. My brother possessed two daughters and nephews.

For social networking, you can contact me at:

: Tri Mei Lestari
Twitter: @ tmeeless
Friendly suggestion or criticism ....
Thank you .....


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