Example of Text English Drama
Artis :
Niya as Mulan
Fajar as Maia’s Mother ( Mrs. Maia )
Tari as Ustadzah ( Ustdzh. Cand )
Wahyu as Ahmad
Nurdin as Dhani
day, there is a daughter. She asks Rp. 500.000,00 to shopping herself. However,
her mother doesn’t give her because she hasn’t any money.
Mulan :
“Mom! Hurry up! Where’s the money!”
Mrs. Maia :
“For what?”
Mulan :
“for shopping of course, Hellooo… Where’s the money! Give me Rp. 500.000,00
Mrs Maia :
“I haven’t much money. Now, your father didn’t go home about three times
fasting and three times idul fitri. I am so lonely you know!”
(Song 3X puasa 3X Lebaran)
Mulan :
”ahhh.. I don’t care! It’s not my problem!”
Mrs. Maia :
“I really haven’t money, Look! My wallet is empty. I just a farmer, please
understand me!”
Mulan :
“Haizzzhh prett!”
angrily, Mulan goes to leave her home far away. She goes to her basecamp and
meet her friends. After she gathers with her friends, there is ustadzah and
looks Mulan.
Ustzh Cand :
“Assalamu’alaikum wr wb..”
Mulan :
(doesn’t replay her sallam)
Ustzh Cand :
“why do you look so different?”
Mulan :
“never mind!” (and go)
Ustzh Cand :
“Astaghfirullahaladzim… strength’s girl.”
and Dhani come to entertain Mulan.
Ahmad :
“what’s up lady?”
Mulan :
Dhani :
“Haloow lady, what’s happen sist??”
Mulan :
“eemm, my mother is crazy, she is so stingy, I ask money but she doesn’t give
it. So stingy!”
Ahmad :
“wah, I must beat your mother.”
Mulan :
“ah, it’s not problem, better us to enjoy, come to drinking! Come on!”
Dhani :
“okey, sister, we drink some drinking and forget all your problem. Ahmad! Take
the bottles I haven’t be patient! Come to fly.. hahahahah”
brings many bottles and begins to drink all drinking with his friend.
few minutes later, ustadzah Cand comes.
Ustzh Cand :
“Assalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.”
Mulan :
“who is there? Oh.. ustadzah! Why do you come here? Go away!”
Ustzh Cand :
“astaghfirullahal’adzim..your mother is hard sick. You know! Please go home!
Mulan :
Dhani :
“come on, ustadzah Cand follow us to drink this drinking. It is so delicious
I’m not lying.”
Ahmad :
“ho oh Ustzh Cand, certainly more fun! Hahahah..”
Ustzh Cand :
“I can’t! astaghfirullah….”
Ustzh Cand pulls the hand of Mulan with hardly to go home.
Ustzh Cand :
“look! Your mother want to die, you must help your mother, don’t go any where
please stay here.”
Mulan :
“Oh God. Forgive me.. forgive my mother, because I have many mistaken to You
and my mother.”
Mrs. Maia :
“I have to forgive you. No problem.”
Mulan :
“Thank you mom, I love you so much.”
that family become happy family, Ustzh Cand goes with happy too. Friends of
Mulan are Ahmad and Dhani change to be good, they begin to pray to Allah and
leave their bad habit.
( song "Bunda" )
The End
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